My lil fam

My lil fam

Friday, January 1, 2010

Fantasies, Fallacies, and Fairy Tales...

Fantasies, Fallacies and Fairy Tells of the life of a stay at home mom!

So for some reason I had this idea or image of the "stay at home mom life." I thought it was all about working out at the gym, getting lattes, play dates and the glam life of the stay at home moms!

Oh how wrong I was, there are no fairies that magically clean your house, change butts, feed the kids, or help you even get a shower in peace without the kids opening the bathroom door half a dozen times and causing you to freeze half to death. The fallacy of illogical thinking was ever so present, when, I thought I would be back at the gym only a couple of weeks after having baby #3. On top of that what was I thinking? I wasn't trying to get three kids loaded and unloaded, dragging them kicking and screaming all the way to the Rush every day... Not a chance.
So next, I decided I would workout at home....enough said.

Well the next fallacy was, lets go shopping! Or not! What is fun about pushing a 45lb 4yr old combined with a 35lb 2yr old, along with the weight of the stroller, diaper bags, and Brinley strapped to the front of me in the Bjorn! (Yep that's my workout) Also, I must add that people would rather stop and stare at a struggling mom trying to open the door or get through impassable passage ways than stop and help! So the shopping went out the window too!

So then I was like, we will just have play dates all day every day but I didn't take it into consideration that other people work, they are busy, their kids are on different schedules, and its just not simple to have play dates all day every day. In addition, to trying to have play dates, I try to make sure the kids, the house and myself are perfect! (That's not reality what so ever!)

So what I have learned; is, that the life of the stay at home mom is very humbling. There are no awards, thank yous or fairies! Its all about cleaning the same stuff over and over all day, feeding the kids all day, doing the endless mounds of laundry and letting go of your preconceived notions of what I thought it should be BUT rather enjoying the real moments that count with your children who will remember me more for playing with them than they will remember the gym dates, perfect play dates, mall trips or any of the unimportant things in life.

However, I must say that my wonderful husband foots the bill for my kids to go to Mother's Day Out and they get the opportunity to receive educational time, personal interaction with other kids their age and it gives me, mom, a day (well 5hours) without three kids under the age of four. MDO allows me to either clean, run errands, or just grab a latte with a friend and maybe just come home to watch an episode of Ellen with my best friend Brin.

So in the end, its not a fantasy, not a fairy tale but I am humbly content and blessed to have the opportunity to pour into my children's life and mold them into the children and one day adults that I hope pray for them to be.

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