My lil fam

My lil fam

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baseball, Camping, Birthdays and more...

Well now that spring has sprung we are playing tball and baseball almost every night of the week! Colton is playing tball for the first time and Bryson playing coach pitch for the first time! Both teams just so happen to be purple! Oh well. Bryson vastly improved as the season progressed, he went from struggling to hitting the ball to smacking it to the fence! The outfield part was slow but Bry understands the concept of getting it to first for an out. Then, there is Colton, whom has NO interest in tball at all! Thankfully, I went to high school with his coach and was able to explain to her his temperament and they worked with him. Lets just say that tball is NOT Colton's sport. He was FUN to watch though.

As soon as Bryson heard about one of his friends camping it was a must that his Dad go and buy at tent to camp, and that he did! Good job, Dad. Well lets just say that is sounded much more glamorous than it was.. we pulled out the fire pit for a fire, set up the tent and blew up the air mattress for the boys to camp out for the night! I must say they did great, they slept in the tent until it just got too cold about 3 in the morning. Brin and I just made smores and then went in to sleep in the house! :)

We love, love, love Anchor Park and the boys cousin, Avner had his 3rd birthday party there. Unfortunately for it to be mid May it was quite a cooler day out. However, it didn't keep the boys from enjoying the Power Ranger themed party!

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